June 1, 2017

Dear BPSS School Administrator (Owner and/or Licensed Director):

This email serves as a final reminder that the financial statement (Licensed Private Career Schools) or statement of revenue (ESL Schools) for fiscal year ending 2016 is due by Monday, July 3, 2017.

Effective May 1, 2015, all schools are required to upload their annual statement through the BPSS web-based computer system. Your statement will be recorded as received on the date it is uploaded. Please label the annual statement "2016 annual statement" and upload as one (1) PDF document (please do not upload each page separately). Schools with multiple locations are required to upload a statement to each individual school in the BPSS system.

Upon logging in to the BPSS web-based system (via you will be required to enter the NYS license number of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who prepared the statement, AND the NYS accounting firm registration number where the CPA is employed. Please be sure to obtain this information from the CPA and accounting firm prior to uploading your statement(s). Please note that the CPA and accounting firm license numbers are not the same (2 different numbers). The accounting firm must be registered in NYS with the Office of Professions (NYS OP). Schools can verify this information by contacting NYS OP at 518-474-3817 ext. 160, or by email at

Failure to submit, in other words, upload the statement by July 3, 2017, carries a penalty for late filing. For step by step instructions in uploading the annual financial statement please select the HELP option located at the top of the screen in the web-based system and select Financial Statement Application in the dropdown list to download the instructions. You can also locate the upload instructions at the following link.

In addition, the due date to submit the **Occupational Education Data Survey (OEDS) for the reporting period of 7/1/15 - 6/30/16 was April 15, 2017 (LPCS only). Schools that have not yet uploaded the 2015-2016 OEDS are requested to do so immediately. The instructions on how to upload the OEDS can be located on the BPSS Cutting Edge News.

**ESL schools are not required to submit OEDS. Schools licensed after 6/30/16 are also not required to submit OEDS for the 2015-2016 reporting period and will commence reporting OEDS annually effective the 2016-2017 reporting period. Previous candidate schools are required to upload the OEDS for the 2015-2016 reporting period.

Please email immediately if you experience difficulties uploading the annual Financial Statement, Statement of Revenue or the OEDS. For assistance with the completion of the OEDS please contact your field associate. Us New York State