All BPSS schools must fulfill the following two annual reporting requirements; Annual Financial Statement and Occupational Education Data Statistics (OEDS). Detailed information regarding both requirements has been emailed to all school directors.
All Schools are required to file financial statements 120 days after their fiscal year end. Policy Guidelines regarding this requirement can be found at BPSS Schools Annual Financial Reporting Requirements. Additionally, schools should review the policy guideline on Financial Viability. Questions regarding financial statements should be sent to:
All BPSS schools are required to report the statistical data (Occupational Education Data Statistics) for the previous period of July 1 – June 30. Submissions of OEDS are due no later than April 15, 2024. In early February, an email will be sent under separate cover to each School Administrator (as listed on the BPSS system) with instructions for completing the OEDS. Questions regarding OEDS reports should be sent by email only to
Additional policy information can be found by viewing: Policy Guidelines