Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) Cost Differential

Impact of CDPA Services


Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) is a self-directed model of home care that allows providers to operationalize independent living philosophy. Consumer driven aspects provide the flexibility needed to maintain lower costs for service provision. Self-direction and the lower cost are the reasons Independent Living Centers (ILCs) and the disability rights movement embrace CDPA as a service model alternative to traditional home care services.

As providers of CDPA services, ILCs save New York State Medicaid resources. The lower cost per hour of service can be benchmarked against the next highest cost in each of New York State’s Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) responsible for rate approvals. Rates are established for the calendar year in each county for each level of home care service.

Calculating the Cost Savings

Individual County Worksheet

ILCs with LDSS approved CDPA programs will:

  • Complete Attachment 1 CIL Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) Services Cost Savings Individual County Worksheet
  • Identify the County served with CDPA services.
  • Identify the LDSS approved CDPA rate for the county for the year beginning January 1 for the State Education Department (SED) ILC contract year (If a contract runs October 1 to September 30, then the calendar year for the CDPA rate begins January 1).
  • • Identify for the county the State approved rate for the next highest Level Two Personal Care Assistant (PCA) service for the same calendar period as above. Since the LDSS may not be able to provide the State approved rate for the next highest level of home care service provided, centers should only use the NYS Department of Health (DOH) Personal Care Rates schedule in order to follow a consistent method to determine the CDPA cost differential. An online schedule with Level Two PCA Rates by county and provider is available at the DOH website.
  • Identify the total number of CDPA hours the ILC provided services in the preceding calendar year (If the ILC contract runs from October 1 to September 30, then take the total number of hours for January 1 to December 31).
  • Multiply the number of CDPA hours for the year times the approved CDPA rate for the year to determine the CDPA total cost.
  • Multiply the same number of CDPA hours as above times the approved rate for the next highest Level Two PCA service for the county to determine the next highest home care total cost.
  • Subtract the CDPA total cost from the next highest home care total cost to determine the CDPA cost differential.
  • The differential is the CDPA cost savings for the year in the county noted above.
  • Complete Attachment 2 CIL Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) Services Cost Savings Report Summary