Will there be any specific training on OMH and ACCES-VR regarding relationship changes about PROs Providers?
OMH is revising a guidance document related to PROS and ACCES-VR, which will be issued soon.
No deaf rate under SE; can interpreter services be purchased?
Direct Placement Intake 921X states 20 calendar days + SE Intake 571X states 20 working days; is this stated correctly in descriptions of new CRS?
Both 921X Intake and 571X SE Intake will use calendar days.
When will forms be finalized in order to import into electronic databases?
Forms will be available by the end of December and posted on ACCES-VR’s website
Forms: are they all sent electronically?
Program forms are sent electronically and billing form (VR-370) is to be mailed.
What are valid reasons to not take a referral?
No capacity, agency believes that individual’s disability or other issues are not compatible to others being served. Decision must be discussed with VRC.
Time frame for VR-417 Monthly Progress for Supported Employment (MPSE).
Must be submitted monthly during Pre-Employment Assessment/Job Development services.
Who from providers are authorized to send reports?
This decision is the Providers’.
When will new Provider Guidelines be published?
They are posted on ACCES-VR’s website
NISH and NYSID – are they group placement?
Bonus for NISH/NYSID if group placement?
ACCES-VR places emphasis on individual placement sites as opposed to those with alternate funding streams. No bonus is available for NISH/NYSID group placements when the individual’s employment is comprised of more than 50% of NISH or NYSID.
Our agency develops an Individual Employment Plan. Does the VR Intensive Service Plan replace this? Do we need to complete it every 6 months?
ACCES-VR only requires the 574X Interim Progress Report form to be submitted one time for payment of this milestone. We encourage you to continue to update the plan as your agency may require.
The funds budgeted for UCS services – can the funds be rolled over from an underutilized service to an over utilized service?
It is possible, but only if recommended by the ACCES-VR Counselor and approved by the District Office Manager and Regional Coordinator.
For a job save – what date is used? The date the person started job, or date of provider intervention?
Use the service start date.
Will we still use the VR-370 to bill for direct services? If so, will there be something similar for SE?
The VR-370 is used to bill for all CRS services except Group Orientation and SE Extended Services.
Will there be any additional support for persons who are OMH funded if they do not qualify for Medicaid?
OMH will provide guidance.
If we serve an individual that has become employed and we used all the milestones – if person quits working a couple of years later and seeks VR services through ACCES-VR and chooses us again as the provider of supported employment are we eligible for all the milestone payments?
According to my contract award, there are no units budgeted for job retention-hours per week or hourly wage. Are we still able to claim those bonuses?
If you applied to provide a service, passed but no units were awarded the VRC may still authorize for those services. If you did not apply to provide the service you should speak to the District Office Manager.
Signatures – Do you require electronic signatures or are scanned documents with handwritten signatures acceptable?
Electronic signatures are okay for program documents but original with signature should be maintained in your records and provided if requested. Original signatures are required for billing documents (VR-370) and all contract documents.
Will an email from an employer be sufficient documentation for 576X or 577X (Quality bonuses)?
Yes. As long as the email contains an attachment with the required documentation.
Will agencies be required to have an Extended Services Plan for ACCES in addition to the one we have to write for Waiver follow-along?
ACCES-VR requires the 575X Job Retention Services form which incorporates an extended services plan.
Will agencies be required to use ACCES-VR’s plans, i.e. extended services?
Processing payment for milestones will be contingent upon receipt of the required forms.
What if a person is working two part-time jobs for a total higher than 30 hours?
If the employment meets ACCES-VR criteria for case closure (including consumer satisfaction with the employment) it is acceptable.
For current individuals in intensive - they just auto flip on 1/1/14 to intensive across the board and 1/1/14 starts the clock? We all get our payment as of the first for $1050 for our region (2) is that correct? Do we need to complete a 572X for each person by 1/1/14? (new forms)
Refer to the Revised Conversion Process for CRS Supported Employment dated 12-02-2013.
Those who are in intensive and at day 5 of employment we now will do the 573X doc or the 574X for the day 45 retention and money for that as of 1/1/14?
Refer to the Revised Conversion Process for CRS Supported Employment dated 12-02-2013.
Extended - those now in extended should we complete the 575X Job Retention Services form and submit by 1/1/14 to get the region two dollars for each person? How will this work on day one.
Refer to the Revised Conversion Process for CRS Supported Employment dated 12-02-2013.
What happens to those who have been in intensive longer than 18 months? Perhaps they have been with us for a number of years - what happens to them? Should they be transitioned now to extended?
Discussion with VRC is required.
Extended - how long or it is anticipated that after the 90 days to six months we should be phasing ourselves out? How long can someone be in the extended phase with ACCES - we see the amount of money noted that is it correct so the phase out of services will/most likely occur in a much shorter timeframe since it would not be available for a long duration due to cost of a job coach over an extended period of time.
Refer to Supported Employment Guidelines 2014
For those in a mobile work crew or enclave - same questions. If they have been in a mobile custodial crew, for example, for a number of years what is the process for each of them - they are in extended right now for example. Do they need to be closed?
Refer to Supported Employment Guidelines 2014
Is the money a “one time” deal. What is the duration considered appropriate for intensive and what is the duration appropriate for extended in the eyes of Access? (since everyone will be different in needs)
Yes. Milestones under SE Intensive are paid one time. Refer to the Supported Employment Guidelines 2014, Re-Intervention section for exceptions. Extended is paid based on an annual rate.
Re: Ongoing Extended Service Plan under the new contract; there is a specific new form at the Job Retention milestone. For the semi-annual or as needed plans beyond that point is it ok to use an agency form as long as it captures the focus directed by the Supported Employment Guidelines?
Re: policy of no intake milestone if served in past 12 months. Is this a rolling calendar or fiscal calendar? If served within last 12 months but funded by another source like OPWDD is the consumer eligible for the intake milestone?
Discuss with VRC. 12 months refers to the 12 months immediately preceding the date of referral.
In addition, in our experience with the current UCS contract, we were able to secure an amendment due to the high demand for certain services in our district that went beyond contract allocation. Is this something that is possible in the new contract if the demand/need is present?
There are no plans to do contract amendments any time soon, and no guarantees that amendments would be approved. However, over time, if ACCES can demonstrate that a need exists that cannot be filled by existing contract balances, we would make requests as are necessary.
Are payments one time only per person or yearly? I’m thinking that once someone has gone through each STEP that is it whether one year in process or two - you have to use the amount noted no matter what the duration.
Milestone payments are paid one time. Refer to the CRS Service Guide for guidelines on Re-intervention.
Does ACCES-VR want information reported on NYESS after January 1?
Yes, the cooperative agreement with our State agency partners (OMH, OPWDD and CBVH) require that our mutual supported employment providers use NYESS.
If agency serves individual in other capacity to S.E. and want to open ACCES, will intake be funded?
No if vocational services provided in prior 12 months.
Can an agency terminate services to an individual? (If after great effort, supported employment services have not been successful?)
Yes but must be done in consultation with the VRC.
Will we be able to move and use units from 1 category of service to another? (We received O units for Community Based Assessment(s) although we received a PASS rating and were approved for direct placement as well as supported employment.)
Shifting of funding will only be allowed at the recommendation of the District Office Manager and with approval by the Regional Coordinator.
Can you provide the website address for local job data such as average wage (or ending wage) for a particular occupation?
NYS Department of Labor- Labor Statistics
Why are there no strengths on the referral? – Strength based approach to SE and UCS proves to be a successful approach. Love the referral though.
Strengths are addressed on the VR-415 Referral to ACCES-VR for Supported Employment form but there is not a separate heading for Strengths. They include the work experience, education, and any additional information provided by the VRC. Also, the VR-ISP includes strengths and focuses on a strength based approach at the start of services.
Why did the CRS RFP ask us for # of units we wanted if you were going to use the past data to allot the units?
The number of units was requested to identify the applicant’s capacity.
If you researched, and I know you did a lot, why was CRS case services allotted in the manner it was? Unit allotment does not correlate with what other states said improved outcomes.
Research and regional need were considered for the allotment process. ACCES-VR is required to optimize purchase of services from vendors and meet varying consumer needs for 15 district offices across NYS.
What if a person loses their job, new manager comes in (whatever) and the person ends employment after 90 days. What would be the incentive for agencies to continue to help a person find another job if we only get ½ job development and we get no day 45 etc……? Aside from the fact we want to help people.
Refer to Supported Employment Guidelines 2014: Re-Intervention. If the consumer had been Retained/Closed, then the case could be re-opened and all milestones are available again. If the individual had not been 5 CRS - FAQ’s rehabbed, then ½ unit of Pre-Employment /Job Development and any milestones not achieved are available.
In 572X Pre-Employment Assessment/ Job Development– what is the expectation in terms of turnaround time for VRC contact you to have a discussion about plan – why is email not sufficient – many VRCs in Field are hard to contact – may delay services.
A short turnaround time should be expected. Email is not sufficient as the plan needs to be discussed to assure all stakeholders are on the same page to ensure the plan has a better chance of success.
Our folks do not work in groups on NYSED contracts – would we still be paid at group rate?
If someone’s authorization started prior to 1/1/14 but no intake or services delivered – never met consumer - need to allow rollover for intake – sometimes authorizations may be dated a month prior to receive or consumer did not engage.
If no intake was provided and billed under the current contract, a new authorization may be provided under CRS.
The 575X Job Retention Services Report form as it exists now, does not include a space for name of who the consumer should contact and how if there are concerns, nor is there an indication of the person getting a copy of the plan – will the final versions include these in order to meet the SE Guidelines?
572X VR-Intensive Service Plan form. How will signatures be handled re: electronic submission? Does VR get unsigned form and provider keeps printed/signed form?
ACCES-VR does not require original signatures for program reports. However, documents should be signed and kept on file by the vendor. The billing document (VR-370) requires an original signature and is mailed to the appropriate district office.
If the person stabilizes before 90 days, when do they move to Extended Services – at the point of stabilization or after 90 days?
Transition to Extended is after a minimum of 90 days on the job when the job is retained and the case is closed with ACCES-VR.
What is the linkage between ACCES-VR and OPWDD re: ‘Front Door’ concept?
Information to be provided when available.
Will people in ACCES-VR extended sill be closed? E.g. intermittent finding – closed for this too? Will a counselor be appointed? Who determines average wage of a particular job locally? (See sample plan 572X VR Intensive Service Plan) review job save terms.
ACCES-VR consumers’ cases are closed when they enter Supported Employment Extended. No counselor is assigned. Intermittent funding and graduation from Extended Services should be reviewed and discussed with the district office and depends on adequate natural supports.
Consumer rejects 30+ hours a week job to remain under SGA and keep SSD. Would quality bonus be considered as unfair to agency?
Are work readiness services available to SE consumers?
An individual may be referred for Work Readiness prior to SE milestones if the VRC determines it is appropriate but is not expected to be provided simultaneously with Supported Employment or routinely for every individual.
Where is it or how documented that a provider is assuring extended services is available prior to accepting the SE intensive referral?
The VR-572X VR-Intensive Service Plan form requires you to identify the anticipated Extended Service provider; 575X Job Retention Services Report form requires identification of the Extended funding source.
Is there a process established to “graduate” people from ACCES-VR Extended Services?
Yes. Refer to the Supported Employment Guidelines 2014.
Is it just an agreement between provider and person being served?
How do we handle existing cases to rollover to new contract?
All UCS and SE services end 12-31-2013 and must be reauthorized under CRS. Refer to the Revised Conversion Process for CRS Supported Employment dated 12-02-2013 for additional information.
How often can someone go back to job development after they started employment?
In the event the consumer loses their job prior to 90 calendar days, the VRC may choose to continue services with the same provider and re-authorize ½ units of Pre-Employment/Job Development Services.
What if someone needs more than 45 days of employment to meet rehab? When is IPE developed?
The Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) is developed by the VRC with the consumer prior to the start of services. The VR-ISP is developed by the provider in collaboration with the VRC at the start of 572X Pre-Employment Assessment/ Job Development. 575X Job Retention and Extended Services may occur a minimum of 90 days after 573X Job Placement.
573X – Job Placement Day 5 Report – Can we check more than one box in each category? I.e.: Job Training and Hygiene – Since this is fluid process all the above could be on-going.
Can another field be added to checklist so provided can indicate retention concerns are “ongoing” “Addressed” “Not Addressed” “Ongoing” “N/A”.
This may be considered as a future enhancement.
What if prior approval isn’t given and the job starts – i.e. – VRC is on vac, etc.
Contact the supervisor. If the job is an appropriate match per the VR- ISP and previous communication, then the payment will process. If the job match is not considered appropriate by the VRC, then it is possible the Milestone will not be approved.
Can 574X Job Placement Day 45 form checklist have “occasionally” added as an option?
This may be considered as a future enhancement.
Will the referral process for a provider agency referring an individual for Supported Employment Services utilize the same forms?
The VR-415 Referral to ACCES-VR for Supported Employment form is available on line.
Will a provider agency continue to have the ability to make referrals for Supported Employment?
Yes, however the VRC must decide to refer the individual back for supported employment services after determining eligibility and completing a comprehensive assessment to determine if supported employment is the most appropriate service.
575X Job Retention Services form– If a person achieves 90 day retention early in a month – can extended services be billed during same month when 2 onsite visits provided?
571X SE Intake due within 20 days – from what date? Voucher start? Referral date? Intake interview? 1st contact?
571X SE Intake form must be submitted electronically within 20 calendar days of the referral date.
572X – VR-ISPs that are also billable – no specific time frame? Electronically sent? Check boxes should allow checks in two columns.
Multiple boxes may be checked. Reports and forms should be submitted electronically when complete but no later than the date assigned to submit your VR-370; 15th or 22nd of the month.
Once a person gets a job will they need a NEW service plan to update or replace the 572X VR Intensive Service Plan?
No. The 573X Job Placement Day 5 and 574X Job Placement Day 45 update the ISP with a focus on issues related to job retention.
It was brought up that quality bonuses are not as important due to the unlikelihood of 10.50 or above wages due to SSDI obstacles. How does Medicaid buy in strategies apply? Do they?
Consumers are referred for Benefit Advisement services to allow them to make informed choices concerning the range of benefits that may be available to them and provide information regarding services like Medicaid Buy-In that may mitigate the impact of employment on benefits they receive.
Are there any interventions/incentives for job seekers? – metro cards, etc.
Discuss with VRC.
Will we get the authorization with the referral?
What examples of sub-minimum wage would be legitimate for a successful noncompetitive closure?
Individual’s unique employment factors should be considered. Discuss with VRC.
Can I use extended service money today and get milestone payments starting in January?
What if someone loses their job after 90 days/Job Retention and within past 12 months – eligible for all deliverables again (outside of SE Intake)?
Discuss with the VRC. Refer to Supported Employment Guidelines 2014.
EXTENDED PROVIDER – Does ACCES-VR have a revised process to confirm who the extended provider will be prior to making a referral to ensure accuracy and consistency?
Suggestion for Referral Form – Include DSMIV or V code with specific disability. This helps to frame the specific issue/disability we will be dealing with.
This may be considered as a future enhancement. The VR Counselor is expected to provide sufficient referral information about the individual’s impairments, functional capacities and strengths to initiate the Supported Employment Intake.
Need clarification re: the following: Can the diagnosis be listed on the referral? (Simply listed the extended funding stream is confusing – especially relevant for dually diagnosed as well (MH & MR of DD…)
This may be considered as a future enhancement.
Using the acronym “ISP” will be confusing for staff. This is OPWDD language for the Individual Service Plan (ISP) created by service coordinators. Staff has blended caseloads with multiple funding streams – need to differentiate.
ACCES-VR requires use of the VR-ISP form to be submitted as the deliverable for 572X Pre-Employment Assessment/Job Development services.
Need to clarify language regarding bonus payments – as “6 months after closure” instead of “6 month mark” as that can be misinterpreted as 6 months “on the job”.
The second opportunity for the SE bonus is 6 months after 575X Job Retention.
Need to clarify language regarding milestone extended services and are in the 90 day process --- Need to give a date range or some clarification.
A minimum of 90 days on from the first day of employment.
For individuals employed through supported employment who are not on extended services yet, how will it be determined which milestones a vendor will be eligible to receive?
Refer to the Revised Conversion Process for CRS Supported Employment dated 12-02-2013.
Will the agency be paid for 572X Pre-Employment Assessment/Job Development if the actual number of hours provided under the current contract through 12/31/13 is more than 25 hours?
No. The providers should not bill if 25 or more hours have been provided through 12/31/13. The same holds true for job placements beyond 5 days; the provider should not bill for 573X Job Placement- Day 5.
When do extended services begin?
Transition to Extended Services is made after the individual has completed a minimum of 90 days on the job, the individual meets ACCES-VR criteria for closure and the Retention/ Closure milestone is achieved.
If client is at day 60 employment at conversion. Are we eligible for 45 day milestone?
Can windows zip utility be used instead of Win-Zip?
No, as it does not have AES 256 bit encryption, which provides greater security/confidentiality. Another option for use is 7-Zip.
How many days is vendor allowed for REHAB when consumer goes from one job to another?
This will be determined on a case-by-case basis and should be discussed with the ACCES-VR Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.
Normally a vendor would receive an authorization for 20 Units of Work Readiness 620X. Since it changed from 5 hours to 2.5 hours – should we now request 40 Units?
Determining the services and quantity that will be authorized is made by the ACCES-VR Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.
With the contract and submission process, is there a way to verify with ACCESVR, what is left to be submitted?
ACCES will notify you if contract and submissions are incomplete.
Can a special education student get a work experience during the summer? If so, what is the minimum age for this?
Yes. Discuss with the VRC.
Please explain 569X being used for child care.
The case service code 569 may be used when an individual receiving Supported Employment Intensive Services requires other supports like child care. The code 569C could be authorized to a child care provider. Child care is a non-CRS service but could be included on the IPE along with supported employment milestones.
If a person goes into Extended upon stabilization regardless of whether this occurs 90 days after hire or 180 days after hire, correct?
Correct. A consumer can not move to Extended before a minimum of 90 days in employment and must be ready for Retention/ Closure.
Please explain the difference between the Monthly Activity Report for Direct Placement and the Monthly Activity Report for Supported Employment.
The Monthly Activities for Direct Placement should be reported on Form MPAR and the Monthly Activity for Supported Employment should be reported on MPSE.
What is the maximum number of units that may be authorized when combining Work Readiness 1, 2 & 3?
Maximum is 60 units. Work Readiness 3 – Skill Development with Work Experience authorizations for consumers who have previously participated in Work Readiness 1 – Soft Skills and/or Work Readiness 2 – Skill Development, with the same provider, should be reduced accordingly.
Are there any hourly requirements regarding the time spent in job development for Supported Employment consumers under the new contract?
The activities conducted by the service provider would be for a minimum of five hours monthly.