Wage Reporting for ILC Consumers
Impact of Employment Services
Independent Living Centers (ILCs) engage in a variety of employment services that assist consumers to earn competitive wages in the community. ILCs may be providers of supported employment services, enhanced supported employment services, direct job placement, work readiness programs, employment networks, job clubs and other integrated, competitive employment services.
The intent of efforts to collect information about the wages earned as a result of independent living services is another strategy to establish the overall impact of ILCs.
A Microsoft (MS) Excel spreadsheet titled ILC Wage Reporting Worksheet is provided as a guide to assist centers in making the appropriate calculations to complete Attachment I CIL Consumer Employment Data Report Summary. The Report Summary is available at the end of this document. The Excel spreadsheet is available online in the ILC Toolbox under Impact Data. The spreadsheet contains the following information:
- Number of consumers who earn competitive wages
- Average starting wages of all consumers served
- Numbers of hours of competitive wages
- Total wages earned projected over the prior year
Calculating Wage Information
Identify each consumer who became competitively employed full time or part time as a result of participation in an ILC employment service during the contract year October 1 – September 30. Employment wage data will be reported only when a center has been directly involved with the consumer’s employment outcome and when the consumer has maintained competitive employment for at least 90 days. For each individual identified, report the starting competitive wage, average hours employed, and project that figure out over a 52 week period. For example, a consumer earning $10 per hour for 20 hours of work earns $200 per week, and if projected over a year or 52 weeks would earn $10,400. In developing the calculation for each consumer out over a year it is irrelevant what time of year the earnings started.
The Excel spreadsheet includes the Consumer Data tab and the Report Summary tab.
Consumer Data tab
Fill out the Individual Consumer Worksheet for each individual counted:
- Under “Consumer Name”, enter name of consumer. The same person may be counted more than once if he/she was actively assisted to obtain competitive employment more than once during the report period.
- Under “Job Type”, enter a “1” (numeral 1) in either the “Full Time” or “Part Time” columns.
- Under “Starting Wage”, enter the weekly wage
- Under “Hours/Week”, enter the average number of hours worked per week, rounded to the nearest quarter hour
Report Summary tab
All data needed to complete Attachment I CIL Consumer Employment Data Report Summary is automatically calculated under the Report Summary tab.
In general, this activity is meant to capture the unduplicated number of individuals assisted in a report period by an ILC to obtain employment, and consumer earnings are NOT carried over into subsequent contract years. It is not intended to count people the ILC provides ongoing or maintenance services to over one year to the next. The same person may be counted more than once if he/she becomes unemployed in the same report period or in a succeeding report period and participates in employment services at the ILC, or independent living services to support employment, and is again successful in obtaining a job with competitive wages.
The CIL Consumer Employment Data Report Summary must be submitted electronically as an MS Word document attachment to the End of Year Report. When submitting the Report Summary it is not necessary to provide a copy of the individual consumer calculations. Submit only the attached Word version of the Report Summary. Do NOT submit the Excel file. ACCES-VR is only interested in receiving the Word version of the Report Summary. However, centers are required to maintain for verification purposes the Excel file with the individual consumer worksheet and summary