Readers Aid Program (RAP) at a Glance

What is the Readers Aid Program?

The Readers Aid Program provides funding each academic year to participating institutions of Higher Education to help to meet the costs of note-taker, reader and/or interpreter services. Funding requests are coordinated and paid through the institution of Higher Education. (Readers Aid Program funds cannot be used for tuition, maintenance fees, tutoring, guide services, or textbooks.)

Am I Eligible?

To be eligible for the program, students must:

Have a severe to profound hearing loss (70dB or more ) or a speech discrimination of less than 70% ;


Be legally blind (meaning 20/200 vision in the better eye (with best correction) ;


Be a legal resident of New York State.
Be matriculated or actively working to earn a certificate through an institution of higher education authorized by law to grant degrees and, if in New York State, approved by the New York State Board of Regents.

How Do I Apply?

Interested students should obtain a “Student Application for Readers Aid Program Funds” and contact their college’s Disability Services Office to apply for this funding opportunity.

What If I Have Questions?

If you have any questions about the Readers Aid Program contact the Disabilities Services Office of your college or university or contact:

New York State Education Department
Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services –Vocational Rehabilitation
89 Washington Avenue, Room 580 EBA
Albany, NY 12234