This sample composite contract has been prepared from a range of items extracted from previously approved CIL contracts for State funding. The items are purposely expansive to provide a broad overview of deliverables contained in contracts across the State. While ACCES-VR contract goals and objectives must follow the format in the sample contract, it is not meant to be a boilerplate contract document. The sample contract is for general reference use only and may serve to generate ideas for specific CIL contract development during the annual renewal period. For sample contract sections that reference the CIL Standards Performance Report and Data Collection Guide, it is available online at the ACCES-VR website in the Independent Living Centers Toolbox under Standards. 


Name of Center:

Contract No.:
Report Period:
Contact Person:
Board President Authorization:

The Board President Authorization line can be completed either with an electronic signature or the Board President’s name can be typed in, which will be considered equivalent to an electronic signature. This line must be completed to indicate the Board of Directors has approved the contract.

I. Community and Systems Advocacy Plan

A center must project outcomes of community and system change efforts it intends to conduct in at least three of the six community and system change categories described in the NYS CIL Standards, Part 1: Instructions for Narrative Report, section I. Community and Systems Change Activities and Outcomes. Community and system change goals may expand upon current contract goals, reflect new and projected advocacy initiatives, or continue advocacy initiatives established in a prior contract year.

  1. Education Advocacy:
    • At least one school district will change its policy to engage parents in their child's school, Committee on Special Education (CSE), and Individualized Education Program (IEP) development process at an earlier point in the child's education.
    • A disabilities awareness track either developed or indorsed by the ILC will be instituted as part of the school personnel training curriculum in at least one school district in the center's service area.
    • A local school district will make procedural changes to transition plans for students with disabilities to include developing information on a Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS), ACCES-VR, Independent Living advocacy, and linkages to other community based agencies and organizations.
  2. Employment Advocacy:
    • Establish a written arrangement whereby the local One-Stop Center will offer an on-site advocacy program for persons with disabilities.
    • A local business will change its recruitment process to eliminate questions that discriminate in regards to people with disabilities.
    • There will be a reallocation of employment related funding from sheltered to integrated employment programs.
  3. Health Care Advocacy:
    • At least one community or governmental agency providing health care services to victims of crime, abuse, and domestic violence will improve its accessibility to people with disabilities.
    • There will be an increase in the number of physicians’ offices, clinics and hospitals that improve physical and communication access for persons with disabilities.
    • The county health and social service departments will change their policies to allow as many hours as needed of self-directed home health care to avoid placement in nursing homes.
  4. Commerce: Advocacy:
    • There will be an increase in the number of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title III entities that are fully accessible to individuals with disabilities in the center’s service area.
    • The local public transit company will adopt a policy assuring the proper training of all transit/driving personnel on disability sensitivity and awareness.
    • There will be an increase in the number of integrated accessible/adaptable housing units available to persons with disabilities.
  5. Social Advocacy:
    • There will be an increase in the number of integrated community social activities that become accessible.
    • There will be an increase in the number of recreation and fitness facilities and programs that are accessible to people with disabilities.
    • There will be an increase in the number of accessible municipal sponsored recreation opportunities and facilities.
  6. Citizenship Advocacy:
    • There will be an increase in the number of accessible polling sites.
    • Political candidates will adopt policies that ensure that meetings and rallies are held in accessible locations.
    • There will be an increase in the number of consumers/staff that serve on community and statewide boards/committees/task forces that previously have not had representation from the disability community.

II. Technical Assistance to the Community (Education/Awareness)

This section should contain information on trainings, in-services, workshops, awareness activities, and presentations to be conducted by the center to groups of consumers, businesses, agencies, etc. in the community. Provide bulleted lists including topics and targeted audience. This section could also include architectural barrier consultations, American with Disabilities Act (ADA) workshops, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) trainings, Fair Housing Act in-services, etc. given to groups.

  • Provide two training programs to property owners and building managers aimed at increasing physical and environmental access to properties.
  • Develop consumer action networks to increase consumer and community involvement in disability rights issues.
  • Conduct three or more consumer education/training programs on timely civil rights topics such as: assistive suicide, self-directed personal assistance, use of work incentives, etc.
  • Co-sponsor a transportation access forum and accessible bus demonstration.
  • Conduct an introductory American Sign Language (ASL) class for the community at large.
  • Hold at least four housing information and networking forums covering such topics as Fair Housing Amendments, Local Housing Authority programs and home access.
  • Offer six life skills workshops to deaf consumers at various community service providers and school settings.
  • Conduct three workshops for consumers on effective self-advocacy and communication.
  • Conduct two disability awareness and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) training programs at community hospitals or clinics.
  • Develop and conduct a forum on crime victimization of people with disabilities.
  • Provide training to three elementary schools regarding the use of the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD, Relay Service, making Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meetings accessible, and general disability sensitivity.
  • Conduct three workshop on Title I and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for small businesses.
  • Conduct six sessions on benefits programs and entitlements with at least two on employment strategies for recipients of mental health services.

III. Public Relations

Describe activities which will be conducted to promote center services and disability-related issues including appearances on radio, television, and in print media as well as center publications (newsletters, brochures, and annual reports), web pages, volunteer recognition events, etc.

  1. Publications: The following publications will be produced by the center:
    • CIL brochure
    • Annual Report
    • Four newsletters per year
    • Annual update to community needs assessment
    • Six hot topics flyers
    • Annual calendar of CIL events
    • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) consulting service of students with disabilities
  2. Community Education: The center will conduct the following educational services:
    • Public service announcements
    • Provide testimony at city and State regulation hearings related to managed care, housing, transportation, new building projects, etc.
    • Weekly cable television show about the CIL and disability issues
    • Six newspaper columns about disability issues
    • Letters to the editor about important perspectives of the disability community
    • “Thank You For Access” notices to businesses
    • Press releases on timely concerns
    • Participation on Boards, work groups, and committees to promote disability perspectives
    • Weekly radio talk show on disability topics
    • Information table at the annual county fair

IV. Resource Development

Identify the annual goals and objectives related to diversifying funding and developing resources other than New York State Independent Living allocations. Include grants applied for and/or received, special events, fees-for-service, development campaigns, etc.

The CIL will undertake the following resource development activities during the contract year:

  • Develop Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) presentation format and consultant service as a fee-for-service.
  • Provide consumer-directed personal assistance (CDPA) services under contract with the Department of Social Services (DSS).
  • Develop and operate a development council of community leaders who will set fund raising goals and take leadership roles in fund raising activities.
  • Conduct one community-wide fund raising dinner.
  • Conduct one non-event fundraiser.
  • Develop a planned giving program and hold at least two cultivation meetings with attorneys and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) to introduce the program.
  • Approach three corporations to underwrite or sponsor CIL special projects.
  • Solicit 50 CIL memberships.
  • Develop a cadre of trained volunteers to provide per counseling and benefits advisement.
  • Apply for a member item from a local legislator.
  • Apply to be a provider of waiver services under agency waiver programs.
  • Arrange a work agreement to provide fee-for-service with ACCES-VR and CBVH.
  • Conduct a direct mail campaign.
  • Request ads from various local businesses to support a fund raising event.
  • Prepare three grant applications to public and private funding sources.
  • Write six small foundation grants for special projects.

V. Staff and Board of Directors

  1. Describe activities related to staff and governing Board development and training the center will conduct during the coming year.
  2. Describe the affirmative hiring steps the center will take to fill openings in the coming year.
  3. Staff and Governing Board Development and Training:
    • Develop and implement a staff/Board orientation and training packet.
    • Develop and implement volunteer training program curricula.
    • Train staff in changes to the US Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits system.
    • Provide a one-day staff/Board retreat for planning purposes.
    • Provide training for all staff on outcome based funding.
    • Develop a training needs assessment format for all staff to be used to establish an annual staff development program.
    • Inventory all staff and Board expertise and develop in-house training programs based on staff and board skills.
    • Train staff in computer skills and use of software products.
    • 50 percent of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) position will attend at least one outside training program.
    • 80 percent of Board members will receive training to enhance knowledge and skills of roles and responsibilities.
    • Provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) training for staff and Board members.
    • Provide at least two grantsmanship training opportunities to staff.
    • Train staff in labor laws.
  4. Affirmative Action Plan
    It is the policy of the center, an equal opportunity employer, that all staff is employed on the basis of qualifications and that all persons receive equal employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability in full accordance with Federal and State laws and practices. In accordance with the center’s own policies and with fair employment laws and regulations, no person shall be denied employment benefits, training, transfer or opportunity for advancement, or will there be any discrimination exercised in terms of segregation of employees or individuals served. Job vacancies will be announced and recruited for as follows:
    1. Post vacancy on employee bulletin board;
    2. Mail to all CILs in NYS - adds will be taken out in all local daily papers and at least one weekly newspaper; announcements will be mailed to colleges, universities, agencies, service organizations, etc.;
    3. Request assistance to post and announce the vacancy notice;
    4. Develop a marketing plan specific to address recruitment of minorities and include at a minimum, minority owned businesses, minority community religious institutions, etc.

VI. Outreach

On an annual basis, a center is required to obtain current U. S. census data for each county of its service area and track racial/ethnic demographics of consumer served who have a Consumer Service Record (CSR) against the census data of the community. Based upon comparison of the two, the center must develop a plan to address any discrepancy that is identified and describe the steps it will take to remedy the discrepancy so that service demographics reflect census demographics.

A center should state its intentions to comply with the above requirements. If the most recent data comparison identifies a discrepancy, an outreach plan demonstrating the center’s efforts to proportionately serve the community could cover, but not be limited to, the following areas:

  1. Individual Outreach:
    1. Senior Citizens
    2. Children with Disabilities and their Families
    3. Individuals in Nursing Homes and Institutions who want to be in the community
    4. Individuals with Mental Illness
    5. Multi-racial Individuals with Disabilities
    6. Individuals with Brain Injury
  2. Outreach to groups and communities:
    1. Conduct specialized outreach to unserved and underserved population areas
    2. Contact community centers of all identified minority communities
    3. Contact churches and organizations that provide services for bi-lingual communities
    4. Hold town meetings in targeted communities
    5. Conduct public relations campaign consisting of leafleting, mailings, in-service training programs, and media releases
    6. Conduct street outreach and networking through liaison organizations.
    7. Provide outreach materials in foreign languages as well as in alternate formats
  3. Other Activities:
    1. Establish a Bi-Lingual Outreach Project
    2. Apply for additional grant funding if necessary
    3. Develop an outreach database and update it regularly

VII. Determination of Community Need/Consumer Involvement in Center’s Mission and Philosophy

Describe activities that promote consumer involvement in the development of the center's policies, services, programs, etc. This could include focus groups, advisory boards, ad hoc committees, etc.

The center will employ the following strategies to measure and plan to address community needs.

  • Two focus groups on housing and transportation.
  • An anonymous suggestion box at the center.
  • An annual community needs survey in the center’s newsletter.
  • An annual Board retreat conducted in conjunction with the consumer advisory group.
  • Establish a consumer advisory group and hold four meetings per year.
  • Have the Board conduct a telephone follow-up survey of consumers served at the center.
  • Send out follow-up surveys to consumers.
  • Develop a website comment and suggestion section.

VIII. Individual Services

A center must provide a list of services it will provide for all funding sources during the contract year using the ACCES-VR approved list of 22 services with definitions in the NYS CIL Standards Performance Report and Data Collection Guide, Part 2. Instructions for Direct Services and Statistical Report, section IV. Individual Services. For each service being provided there needs to be a description of that service.  

A center is required to provide, at a minimum, the following core services:

  • Legal/Advocacy
  • Peer Counseling
  • Information and Referral
  • Independent Living Skills Development and Training
  • Housing Assistance
  • Benefits Assistance

It is not required that a center provide all of the services from the approved list of services or that a center provide only the services listed. Any service supported with funds other than those provided by State Aid to Localities must be assigned by the ILC to one of the approved service categories that most closely and consistently represents the service. ACCES-VR will edit the services list to bring it into compliance with this requirement. A service not on the approved list will be assigned by the IL Unit to an appropriate service category. If the service is not applicable to any of the approved service categories, the IL Unit will delete the service.

IX. Projected Total Number of Consumers to be Served

A center must determine the projected consumers to be served for the next contract year and serve a population within ten percent of that projection. When determining the projection, examine available funding and resources as well as strategies that will enhance outreach activities that support center resource capacities. Make every effort to put forth realistic projections by reviewing prior service data for the total number of consumers receiving direct services over several contract years to consider average service patterns.

Total Number Of People To Be Served: 900 (statewide minimum)


  1. People with disabilities (PWD) (New CSRs + Returning CSRs + I&R PWD only)
  2. Family members/significant others
  3. Other non-disabled including personnel from Businesses/Agencies

ACCES-VR cannot consider requests to reduce the projected number of consumers to be served for the new contract that are submitted in the fourth quarter of the current contract period as part of the contract renewal process. This request should be submitted during the third quarter around the time the mid year report is submitted when the mid year data indicates that the projected number of consumers to be served might not be achieved. A center must submit a written evidenced-based convincing justification. For additional information regarding the preparation of the written request, refer to the NYS CIL Standards, Mid Year Report-Appendix A, Part 1: Program Performance Report, section II. Shifts or Changes in CIL Priorities or Resource Allocation.